Thursday 9 February 2012

Ancilliary 1 - Idea 1

When I was first told that I needed to create a billboard poster for a newspaper I presumed it was the type of billboard that would be outside a newsagents featuring the main headline, so that's what I created.

After examining real examples of the products, I decided that my billboard poster would have the logo and masthead at the bottom of the poster. I used a fine line just above the masthead to seperate it from the main focus of the poster, the headline. For the headline I used the ______ font and made it itallic, which in my opinion gives the impression that the headline has been handwritten, which is originally the way that newspaper billboards were presented, of which some still are such as the London Evening Standard. I have capitalised the whole headline to make it more eye-catching, however it has remained subtle with a whole black & white product therefore also maintaining tradition. Above the headline, in smaller yet still capitalized text, is the day that the newspaper in question has been published.
With regards to the content of the headline, I have used particular language to attract the potential readers' attention. This headline could have been far less interesting, I could have used something such as 'MAN IS SHOT' or 'PERSON IS SHOT AND BULLET IS RECOVERED'. By indicating to the readers that the man was shot in the head, it immediately makes them aware that the situation is probably quite serious and so they are intrigued. By adding that the bullet was recovered due to the victim sneezing, this adds a dark comedic value to the headline. And finally, I made the reader's aware that by purchasing the newspaper

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