Thursday 2 February 2012

Worsley Demographic

This image is based on my research into the Worsley area. I found that there were approximately 17503 people in Worsley. I also found:
- 29% 15-34 years old.
- 36% 35-54 years old.
- 35% 55+.

- 50% male.
- 50% female.

- 67% ABC1 social grade.
- 23% C2DE social grade.

From this research I can conclude that whilst the age range and gender ratio is fairly equal in Worsley, there is a considerable difference in class. 71% of people in Worsley are 35 or over so i would expect high sales in this area as alot of people who read newspapers and particularly local newspapers, are middle-aged and not teenagers. Due to the class difference, more people in this area may be inclined to read a broadsheet rather than a tabloid.

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